How to Manage Fibromyalgia with Ozone Therapy

For the 4 million adults in the United States affected by fibromyalgia, the quest for answers can be frustrating. As you struggle to regain your quality of life, we want to assure you that while there’s still much to learn about this chronic condition, there is hope in the form of ozone therapy.

At HealthFirst, Dr. Jonathan Singer and our team offer a much broader and more sustainable approach to healing by considering your whole body. Our methods are especially effective when it comes to system-wide conditions like fibromyalgia.

Here, we explore one treatment in particular — ozone therapy, which has helped scores of fibromyalgia patients reclaim their lives.

What we know about fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an incredibly complex and misunderstood condition that can lead to:

Fibromyalgia affects twice as many women than men and the condition tends to develop during your middle-aged years. People with autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, are more vulnerable to developing fibromyalgia, as are those who’ve experienced traumatic events.

Treating fibromyalgia with ozone therapy

Since we’ve yet to uncover the exact physiological mechanism that causes fibromyalgia, treatment largely comes down to symptom management. While this approach may offer short-term relief, it’s not as effective for regaining your quality of life in the future.

After studying fibromyalgia and the available treatments, we discovered that ozone therapy shows a great deal of promise for longer-term results.

Also called major ozonated autohemotherapy, ozone therapy is a technique in which we introduce ozone gas into your body to better balance the free radicals and antioxidants in your system. This added oxygen not only kills pathogens, it can regulate your metabolic system and boost your circulation so you’re better equipped to heal on a cellular level.

To put some numbers to the success of this treatment, one study among 65 patients with fibromyalgia found that 70% of patients reported significant improvement (almost 50%) of their symptoms after ozone therapy.

Delivering your ozone therapy

There are many ways in which we deliver ozone therapy, including:

To determine which approach is best for treating your fibromyalgia, we sit down with you to review your symptoms and goals and design an appropriate protocol. 

If you’d like to finally lift the cloud of fibromyalgia, contact one of our two locations in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, by phone or online to set up an appointment today.

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