How Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Can Treat Your Sciatica

How Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Can Treat Your Sciatica

Dealing with sciatica can be painful, and the last thing you want to do is to add to the discomfort through interventional solutions, such as surgery. Luckily, there are nonsurgical options, including an innovative technique in which we relieve the pressure on your sciatic nerve.

Using spinal decompression therapy, Dr. Jonathan Singer and the team here at Health First have helped many patients regain the ability to move without shooting pain in their backs and legs. And the best part? There are no needles, scalpels, or other invasive protocols.

Behind your sciatica

Your spine not only provides foundational support for your body, it also acts as ground zero for much of your peripheral nervous system. In total, there are 31 pairs of spinal nerves and roots that branch out from your spine to create your peripheral nervous system. 

The largest of these nerves — your sciatic nerve — is formed by five nerve roots that exit the lower end of your lumbar spine (low back) and the upper end of your sacral spine. The sciatic nerve then splits into two and travels down each side of your buttocks and into your legs.

When sciatica develops, the nerve is compressed in your low back, which can occur due to a herniated disc or degenerative changes in your lower spine that place pressure on the nerve. When this happens, you can feel localized pain, as well as symptoms that travel down one side of your buttocks and into your leg.

Giving your nerve room

Since nerve compression is the primary culprit behind your sciatica, it follows that relieving this pressure is the best way to resolve your sciatica.

To do this, we turn to spinal decompression where we use specialized equipment to stretch your spine, creating more space for your intervertebral discs.

This type of traction allows us to create negative intradiscal pressure, which encourages your disc to reposition or reshape itself in a way that no longer irritates your sciatic nerve.

Another benefit of spinal decompression therapy is that once we lower the pressure in your discs, healing resources can flow more freely into the area.

What to expect during spinal decompression

Undergoing spinal decompression therapy is quite painless. When you come in, we get you situated comfortably on our table, and then we apply controlled traction to your spine. This traction gently stretches and relaxes your spine. With our advanced equipment, we can customize the traction to your unique needs.

If you’d like to explore whether spinal decompression therapy can help relieve your sciatica, please contact one of our offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to set up an appointment.

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