Feeling Tired and Stressed? IV Nutrient Infusion Therapy Can Help

Feeling Tired and Stressed? IV Nutrient Infusion Therapy Can Help

You try to get a good amount of sleep each night, but you still wake each morning feeling far from refreshed. And this overall feeling of exhaustion only increases throughout the day, zapping you of motivation and enthusiasm. Making matters worse, this fatigue is accompanied by stress as you fall behind on everything, which is only wearing you down further.

The end result is a vicious cycle of stress and fatigue, and you can’t seem to break free.

A great way to tackle both stress and exhaustion is to ensure that your body is getting the right nutrients. At HealthFirst, Dr. Jonathan Singer has had great success restoring overall health and wellness to patients through intravenous (IV) nutrient infusions.

Here’s a look at how you can put a spring in your step, leaving stress behind, through IV nutrient infusions.

We’re not getting the right vitamins 

The evolution of the American diet over the centuries hasn’t been a terribly good one — we’ve gone from not having enough to eat to diets that are calorie-rich and nutrient poor. Now, we’re overfed, yet still malnourished.

As a result, about 31% of the American population is at risk for at least one vitamin or mineral deficiency or anemia and 23% are at risk for two deficiencies. The micronutrients of concern include, but are not limited to:

It would be hard to cover all of the side effects that can stem from deficiencies in these critical micronutrients, but we assure you that fatigue is a common outcome.

Stress and your health

When you’re stressed, your body is in a heightened fight-or-flight mode, which is designed to protect you from immediate danger, but it’s not meant to be a prolonged state.

Many of us are in near constant states of stress, which can take a toll on our bodies and exhaust what nutrients we’re taking in very quickly. 

The metabolic changes, muscles tension, and higher heart rate that come with stress break down our immune systems and lead to more fatigue.

Restoring your health through nutrients 

To work around poor vitamin availability and tackle your stress and fatigue, we deliver the vital nutrients your body needs through tailored IV infusions that include:

Aside from these base nutrients, we can tailor your infusions to your needs, as well as suggest supplements to take on a daily basis, such as ashwagandha for stress.

One of the many reasons why IV infusions are so effective is that they bypass your digestive tract. Instead, the IV delivers 100% of what you need straight into your bloodstream. Your blood then delivers the nutrients to where they need to go to restore your energy, strength, and overall wellbeing.

If you’d like to navigate your life with maximum energy and minimal stress, contact one of our offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, or Cheyenne, Wyoming, to schedule your IV nutrient infusion.

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