3 Reasons to Consider Prolotherapy for Chronic Pain

3 Reasons to Consider Prolotherapy for Chronic Pain

As medical research advances, we’re getting increasingly good at harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities. In fact, so much is happening in this arena that it’s earned its own categorization: regenerative medicine

You might think that tapping into the body’s regenerative capabilities requires sophisticated technology or complex medications. In some cases, it does. But as prolotherapy shows, sometimes we just need to give the body a gentle nudge. 

During prolotherapy, Dr. Jonathan Singer or Dr. Gina Dattoli injects a high-grade sugar solution into your painful area. This causes inflammation, which your body then springs into action to heal. In this way, prolotherapy can help to kickstart your regenerative processes and ease your chronic pain.

Here are a few reasons to consider this treatment option, which we offer here at HealthFirst in Greenwood Village, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming.

3 upsides of prolotherapy

We offer this regenerative medicine treatment because it has the potential to alleviate your chronic pain while delivering a few significant benefits:

1.  Minimally invasive but targeted treatment

Prolotherapy doesn’t require any incisions. Instead, we give this treatment via injections. We apply a topical anesthetic first to keep you comfortable during treatment. 

To ensure the prolotherapy solution reaches the tissues we want to target, Dr. Singer or Dr. Dattoli guides the injections via ultrasound. 

Research into prolotherapy is still in its early stages, but early studies show that it can be effective for chronic pain, including pain from osteoarthritis. 

2.  Minimal downtime

You don’t need to take any time off work after prolotherapy. 

You might have some soreness in the treated area. That’s a sign that the sugar solution did its job and caused inflammation. As your body heals that area, your soreness should dissipate within a few days.

The only recovery requirement after prolotherapy comes from your exercise routine. We may recommend that you avoid strenuous activity for a few days after treatment, depending on the area and type of chronic pain we’re addressing. 

3.  Low risk of side effects

Because prolotherapy uses sugar, not some complicated pharmacological blend, it comes with an extremely low risk of any adverse reactions. 

Find out if prolotherapy is right for you

While prolotherapy can be an effective, low-risk way to address chronic pain, it’s not your only treatment option. 

To find out if this type of regenerative medicine is right for you, visit our team. Dr. Singer or Dr. Dattoli can evaluate your symptoms, your pain levels, and your health history to tailor a treatment plan for you.

To get started on the path to relief from your chronic pain, contact the HealthFirst office nearest you to schedule an appointment with our team.

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